Information in English
KulturUngdom is a non-profit association with young members across Västra Götaland. Our mission is to work with young people to support the strategic development of cultural life in the region's 49 municipalities. To meet this aim we receive money from Västra Götaland's Cultural Affairs Committee, among other bodies. Our board consists of culturally active people, mostly under the age of 30. Everyone who works with us is active in various cultural areas.
We can help you to bring your ideas to life. Whatever art form you're into, in whatever shape or size, we offer opportunities for collaboration, networking and making contacts locally, nationally and internationally. We can also support your initiatives, for example through marketing, K-Money grants and technology. Our operation builds on your fantastic ideas and visions, both big and small. Everything is possible!
You're aged 13-30 and live in Västra Götaland. Are you active yourself in an art form? Do you manage projects or have ideas you want to try out? Or perhaps you want to take part in a project alongside others? You might just be generally interested in culture and want to keep your eye on what's going on in the region.
Together we're stronger! It's amazing to be part of a huge network of musicians, poets, societies, festival fixers, artists, club managers, arrangers, artists, actors, film makers, dancers, entrepreneurs, bands, venues and much more besides. We believe that your creativity stimulates our knowledge, and that our knowledge can help you achieve your passion. We take our cue from what you want to do. So tell us about it!
KulturUngdom has 1,5 million kronor to share among cultural projects. Over 150 projects of different types receive K-Money support each year. Our support is aimed at people aged 13-30. You can apply on our website, where you'll also find application conditions and more information.