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11 mars 2022

Rachel utforskar gemenskap, nuet & naturen i musikvideo

Vi älskar unga initiativ! För någon månad sedan blev Rachel Koumparou tilldelad K-pengar för sitt filmprojekt. Nu har vi ställt några frågor till henne för att förhoppningsvis kunna inspirera dig som filmskapare, eller dig som är nyfiken på vad man kan söka K-pengar för. Intervjun är på engelska. 

What is your film project about and called?
The project is Called Jasmine Flower and is about togetherness, love & peace, plants, animals, human beings all living together in a garden. It is a music video based on the ‘Jasmine Flower’ song by Jaded Jane. It talks about a flower that is growing and how important it is to take care of it - "I wanna take it slow, just let this flower grow, make the here and now count..". If a music video can make you think of the here and now, it’s a success, so I am hoping to deliver this message among many more, and help the person who’s watching to become more present.

How did you decide to be a filmmaker?
I was always a creative soul and one of those who recorded memories with friends when we were kids. Then I would edit and create a video with us over a song that I liked.
I studied media and communication in Glasgow where I had to create a film for my final year and that was when I realized how powerful a video could be. How it can help others and make them feel.. I am very thankful that my life’s path brought me along to create beautiful projects, starting with youtube kids videos to documentaries and music videos. Creating your own art with someone else’s music is a dream come true to me. So I could say that being a filmmaker was inevitable. My eyes were seeing so much beautiful things to let it go, and I wanted to share it with others.

What inspires you in your work?
The fact that I meet so many amazing personalities, beautiful energies, creating together is a dream that I have the honour to be part of. Their love for what they do inspires me. The fact that I can create a visual story for them, or for myself and have a visual result, that’s an inspiration by itself. That every person has a unique voice, it expands my mind every time a little bit more. I met amazing people while making different projects. But all of them have a common ground which is love for what they do, they want to inspire others in doing good, in sharing their stories, in coming together and that’s all encouraged by love. Love is my favourite cliché.

Do you have any start up tips for someone that wants to be working with film, the same way you do?
Yes, to create all the time. Not everything will be as you expected it to be but everything will be an adventure. Every time you fail, you learn and every time you win doors open and you meet more amazing people with awesome ideas and your brain just keeps expanding. Another cliché is that you have to love what you do, I totally agree on this, otherwise what’s the point in wasting your precious time on it? Last but not least, listen to your own ideas and pursue them. People always have something to say which is great, but that doesn’t mean you have to follow their suggestions, the more you create with your own taste and style, the more comfortable you'll be in your own expression, more confident and more powerful.

Are we going to be able to watch your film project anywhere (when it's done)?
Absolutely, I will share it on Jaded Jane’s youtube channel and my website "The art of videos".

Here we got a preview of a video you produced during the last summer, what is the video showing?
The video is showing the park Slottsskogen, inside the woods, Axel from Jaded Jane is playing his little keyboard and the birds are singing so loudly with him that it is just pure magic. Another example of the amazing people I met along the way is Axel, who stands for love and his music always comes from deep within as he says. I was very lucky to capture this moment. The energy was special and you could describe the experience as nature music with meditative melodies.

How did you come in contact with KulturUngdom, and find out about K-pengar?
I first heard about it from Inger Unenge (verksamhetsledare KulturUngdom) during a musicvideo shoot for "Vackrare Nu" a song by Fia Ekberg. Then the second time I was reminded of it by Gabriella (Kommunikatör KulturUngdom) who was part of creating the "Forrest Sessions" last summer, the teaser which is attached to this interview.

As a freelance artist I always find ways in expanding my ideas. In order to create, you need financial support to be able to buy the equipment etc. Organizations like this help make our dreams come true, but it’s not just "our" dreams. Everyone I met along the way agrees that, art comes from somewhere else, it is not ours. And love is what keeps us going, helping each other growing, inspire and give a hand when needed, to keep dreaming and creating, especially in these challenging times. Thank you KulturUngdom!