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17 feb 2023

Rapport från årets KulturUngdom-konstnär på Boy Konsthall

Stort tack till alla som besökte öppningen av utställningen "Beyond the Black Stump" På Boy Konsthall med årets Kulturungdom-konstnär Mamdouh Elmchad. Utställningen har öppet torsdag - lördag till och med den 4 mars.

Konstnären Mamdouh Elmchad skriver själv om utställningen:

I spent intensive weeks working on this show; it took blood, sweat, and tears. Literally.

Even though I'm still afraid, I eventually felt the willingness to show up and be seen after years of always feeling vulnerable when sharing these stories. For a long time, I had the feeling of not belonging anywhere, or in any city. Even in Beirut, my hometown, which was the worst thing I have ever felt. In addition, a big part of my upbringing still causes me to feel ashamed and mortified about my queer identity, and I occasionally feel as though these thoughts are still following me around.

In a way, this exhibition serves as my journal. It depicts processing my traumas, looking for ways to heal, and searching for my true self and identity, as well as stories from my adolescence until today. Which is also a part of the process.

I’m finally doing the things I’ve always wanted to do in life and there’s so much love and support around me. Alhamdulillah.

There are 18 pieces. Paintings, self-portraits, installations, and more. Each one of them has a narrative.
Some of them are available for purchase.
It would mean a lot if you could check it out and give me your feedback.
It remains open until the 4th of march.

Many many thanks to @saintbalech She was there since the day I started working on this project and I wouldn’t have been able to finish it without her love and support. It was heavy for both of us. We cried, we risked, and revisited memories throughout this process. I love you. Thank you @lienhoangxuan for the consultation, My beautiful creative friends who inspire me every day, Maja & Sara from @boykonsthall and Elin Åström from @kulturungdom

Lots of love
Mamdouh Elmchad

Foto: Elin Åström

Boy konsthall är ett rum för samtidskonst i Bollebygd. Det drivs av systrarna Sara och Maja Östebro som har som fokus att skapa spännande konstmöten på orten de själva är uppväxta i. Mer info om konsthallen finns här!