"Search and dig" - Intervju med Tina Umer
Till helgen är det vernissage för utställning Gone med den Slovenska konstnären Tina Umer som har fått K-pengar från KulturUngdom. Vi tog ett snack med Tina inför vernissagen.
Tina vill med utställningen ”Gone” ställa frågor om våra behov och önskningar i en alltmer konsumerande värld. Hon arbetar främst med fotografi, men blandar också med textilkonst och teckning. Utställningen är en sammanslagning av hennes tidigare utställningar ”Gone clicking” och ”Gone swimming” från 2018 respektive 2019.
Tina Umer är född 1991 och har utbildat sig på konstskolan Valand i Göteborg.
Var? Gna project, Pettersbergsvägen 82, Mälarhöjden.
När? 14 februari 17–19 (vernissage), 15–16 februari 13–16.
Länk till Facebook-event
For those who can't get to the exhibition in Stockholm, what can visitors expect?
Some of the works have been previously exhibited in Göteborg, however I wish to bring the whole installation back to Västra Götaland soon, but nothing is planned yet unfortunately. I have been exhibiting in Göteborg in the previous years a few times, so I am looking forward for placing my work in a new environment, since it can be quite beneficial to get a refreshed view in a different context, as well as a new audience.
What is your relationship with KulturUngdom and in what way have we supported your project?
It is the first time I reached out, since I didn’t know much about it before. I have however seen peers appearing and writing on the platform, as well as it helped some other young artists I know to make exhibitions happen.
In what way will the economic support from KulturUngdom help you and your project?
Beside the artistic process that leads to an artwork being formed, the making of an exhibition takes a fair amount of work, time and materials. It’s always uplifting to have support, which not only means that the financial worry about it weakens, but it also feels like an acknowledgement, a high five on the way of many insecurities.
But in concrete terms - trains, buses, transport, paper, printing, wrapping, small bits and pieces. An establishing artist is usually involved and hands on in most parts of the process, learning some of all trades, which can be a truly valuable experience.
Do you have any tips for others who would like to initiate their own cultural projects and do not know where to turn for tips and support?
Search and dig, and don’t get scared of a few no’s. It is crucial to keep going, as eventually the right audience will be found. And don’t be scared to re-think and re-shape, since the translation of an idea can be done in endless ways, and often that is where the project grows.
Nedan ser ni en del av verket som ställs ut på gna project till helgen.
Tina Umers webbsida https://www.tinaumer.com/