"2017 has been an amazing year so far" – Labaq på turné
Labaq är en brasiliansk indieartist som släppte sitt senaste album VOA förra året, ett album som nu streamats nära en halv miljon gånger. Just nu är hon i Polen på turné men nästa vecka är hon i Sverige för tre konserter, med start på Bengans i Göteborg, och sen vidare till Uddevalla och Borås. Vi trodde hon bodde i Portugal när vi bokade henne, så intervjun blev lite förvirrad.
Hey Labaq, who are you and what are you doing?
- I'm a singer/songwriter and producer from Brazil, I'm touring Europe with my first album called "voa" and I'm really glad to make it!
So, how did you end up living in Portugal?
- As a matter of fact, I don't live in Portugal, yet at least, I live in Brazil but I have this idea of living in Portugal for a few months next year to see what happens. My audience there is growing and it's amazing to feel so much energy and love from Portugal to me. I'll be in Sweden first though, so thank you for having such opened hearts for me and my music.
It’s a pleasure you could make it. What do you know about Sweden?
- Sweden has always been a desire for me, since I was a kid listening to Roxette with my mum and then The Hives when I was a teenager. It's gonna be nice to see a bit of what inspired these artists.
What can the audiences up here expect when you are here?
- A little weirdo girl who loves to play guitar and meet people and sing about love, life and how big the world is and the fact that we are nothing if you compare. And I’ll do it in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
What other future plans do you have for 2017?
- 2017 has been an amazing year so far, definitely. When arriving in Brazil I’ll have the second edition of the festival I make there called Sonora, a festival with women in the line-up and also made by women and we are so excited about this! Besides that, I'll be touring Chile, Argentina and Uruguay and also a few states of Brazil to perform at festivals with my band. It's gonna be an amazing semester, I'm sure. :)
Sounds great, and well, thanks for your time, see you soon!
- Yes, see you really soon! Thanks a lot for your attention and kindness!
Labaq ses live på Bengans i Göteborg den 24:e, på Kontoret i Uddevalla den 25:e och på Café Nära i Borås den 26:e augusti.