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21 mars 2022

Call for participation!

Together with our Erasmus+project we invite you to join “New Urban Practices - Co-Create in Veszprém (Hungary)” Training for cultural managers, designers, civic activists 18/5-22/5 2022. The seminars and themes will be about building community, connection and co-creation processes together with international cultural managers, local communities and the Ukrainian refugees in Veszprém.

Who can join?
Anyone interested in the topics; cultural workers, designers, activists. You must be 18-30 years OR any age working with kids and/or young people in Västra Götaland.

All costs are covered by the project.

How to join?
Click here and send in your application before April 4th.

Please contact our art & handicraft advisor Elin at Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.

Photo: Artem Podrez