Ny miniserie: The Will to Create - del 1
Under Slöjdlägrets fyra dagar träffas människor som har minst en sak gemensam: kärleken till slöjden. Ana Paula Lafaire är en av deltagarna och tillsammans med andra kommer Ana att få ta del av verkstäder i karvsnitt, halmslöjd och papier maché.
Inför årets Slöjdläger, 14-17 september på Halmens hus i Bengtsfors skriver medlemmen Ana Paula Lafaire om sitt skapande:
"Craft, art, making, hands on.
No rational thinking. Just doing. Just feeling the material. The sharp knife cuts, liberates the mind, connects the hands with nature. The only failure is not to try."
Här presenterar vi första delen i en miniserie av texter och bilder. Väl mött!
Some days I look for inspiration. Some days I look out for candy for my imagination. Some days I need a pillow for my brain to slow down and rest. Some days I need a safe place to stay and other days I need a push to go out of my comfort zone. Some times is a mix of everything. But this is hard to understand and force if you are being only rational.
Craft, art, making, hands on.
No rational thinking. Just doing. Just feeling the material. The sharp knife cuts, liberates the mind, connects the hands with nature. The only failure is not to try.
I was overwhelmed by academic courses and projects. I had a great demand to stay focus and creative, in order to produce solutions and keep going on high energy. As if I was a deep well of good ideas waiting to be drawn to the surface as freshwater. But you should be aware, because the wells can be dried. I had to learn it the hard way, that I should better care and nurture my inner well if I wanted to keep its water fresh.
STOP. Listen. Observe. Breath.
Where am I?
I am in Sweden. In nature. Surrounded by nature, so I decide to surrender to nature. Since nature is wiser than I could ever be, and it is bigger than me. But it is also me, I am nature. Is not a dichotomy is a constant continuous. So I trust the process of change. I decide to trust the cycles and seasons. I embrace my transformation.
I was overwhelmed by the thinking, so my friend invited me to a wood carving session. I had no previous knowledge, but she gave me a sharp knife and a pice of wood. Carve, she ordered me. So I took the knife and started cutting the stick. The smell was nice. I stop searching for rational explanations for the world and started to focus in the immediate possibilities of the form giving. The knife, the wood, my hand, the movement. It made my brain go quiet.
One blur of inspiration. Two ideas. A massive cloud of new ideas. A swarm of exciting possibilities. It is exciting to feel “The Will to Create”. It is a pinch in the gut, a hunch in the hearth followed by action, the urge to express and create. The well of creativity will overflow, washing away the impostor syndrome, fear of failure and anxiety.
I am looking forward to explore craft in the Swedish nature. I am ready to flow.
About the autor:
Hi, I am Ana Paula, currently studying the M. Business and Design in HDK, Gothenburg. I am appreciating the cultural clash of business, design, Sweden, México and everything in between. I would like to explore further crafts and tacit knowledge of making.
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